Someone to Thank
My friend Chase and I had some good conversation in the 14+ hours we spent driving to and from Nashville this weekend. He mentioned that being thankful is meaningful because we have someone to thank. Not just because we have stuff. But because we have people in our lives. Relationally, we gain love, giving, receiving, forgiveness, wisdom, confidence, trust, provision, protection, a mirror with which to better see ourselves, honesty, laughter, and joy to share it all. Stuff is relevant to us all. But the people we share those things with, the people who provide and maintain those things in our lives – that’s the greatness of this Thanksgiving day. And our great God who is the source of all good things. And abundant life. Without people we wouldn’t give two cents of a thought toward God. How’s that for a concept? Imagine yourself sitting in a pile of stuff. All that you need to be happy, alive, and functioning – fully satisfied. Food, water, shelter, clothing (or not), thoughts, intellect, love, peace, etc. You wouldn’t ever look up to a human face because you wouldn’t need anyone. And without those relational forces in our lives, we wouldn’t think about God. Because our God is relational. He is very much our Father. And I’ve been adopted into his kingdom!
A few things I’m thankful for (not anywhere close to an exhaustive list):
- My family. Mom and Dad, you have been so generous and selfless. You love my brother and me in a way that reflects Christ. My grandparents. I love you all so much. Unbelievable to think on how you support me. I am so blessed.
- Friendship with my brother, Mayo. Thank you Lord for knitting us closer. I can’t believe we continue to go through the same stuff simultaneously. Such an enormous blessing.
- Caitlin Bell & my Bible study girls: Karis, Lena, Brittany, Heather, Christa, and Susanna. Caitlin, you have been so generous with your apartment, your time, your baking. What a lady!
- My new church home, Community Bible Church. So excited to see God moving there. Excellent leadership. Intimate community.
- Friends who point me straight to Jesus and cause me to fall more in love with my King every time I talk with them. Nathan Daniel, Nick Mang, Chase Salmons, Sarah Welch, Jimbo Bass, Lena Hunter, Caitlin Bell, Jordan Yeo, my brother, and Shelly Dobosy to name a few. Thank you Lord for the blessing of friendship!
- The opportunity to live in France earlier this year. Susanna, Carolyn, Marissa – you girls are precious to me. Thank you for your love and honest acceptance. You are a picture of God’s love for me.
- My education. Every day I study in Savannah, I am being made more and more aware of what an enormous-big-deal it is. Can’t believe I’m there, thriving. Crazy.
- Patience. Forgiveness. Wisdom. Honesty. Those who have walked with me through the roughest times. There are few of you, but you know who you are. My humble and deep gratitude goes out to you.
- My Jesus. You are more precious than my words could possibly say. More precious than my life, my things. You are my treasure. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for finding me, for hearing me, for healing me, for saving me. You are my life. All I have and am, I give. For your glory. Thank you for coming. You have changed everything, Lord Jesus.
I’m thankful for you too, Rachel.